Race and schools
As a Caucasian progressive retired teacher, I was struck by two stories in the April 4 issue. The first referred to newly elected school board member Michael Flores ("Michael Flores to Bring a 'Missing' Voice to School Board"). The second chronicles the long-overdue dismantling of the Madison schools' "zero tolerance" policy ("School Board Returns Student to East High").
Although I believe Flores has good intentions, his election signals yet another rejection by the electorate of a candidate -- Wayne Strong -- whose priority was to fight against the enormous disparity between white and minority achievement in Madison schools. And the change in the "zero tolerance" policy came only after our supposedly progressive press made the expulsion of a white honors student at East High a highly visible story last week. I applaud the school board for rejecting this policy and reinstating this student. But it strains credulity to think that there have never been knee-jerk expulsions of students of color that have also been victims of this rigid policy.
Wayne Strong wanted the disparity in our schools to come front and center. It's time for the school board to do just that, regardless of the election results.
Steve Hoffenberg
Judith Davidoff replies: We wrote about Maia's expulsion case because the family came to us to share the story. We would have written about any similar case if the details -- that are otherwise confidential -- had been provided. Race was not a factor.
Union Cab and ride-sharing
I would like to thank Mr. Sam Katz for his loyalty, as a long-term Rider Rewards customer, to Union Cab (Letters, 4/4/2014). I want to assure him that Union Cab will continue to hold his transportation needs in high regard and continue to provide timely service, no matter where in the city he lives, what time of day or night he needs us, what color skin he owns or any special needs he may have.
We don't require a credit card, a Facebook account and your picture. We are insured, bonded and professional. We are here for our entire community, 24/7/365.
Mark Adkins, Union Cab driver
Regarding Uber technology, which allows ride-sharing through apps, what about union jobs -- jobs that pay a living wage in Madison ("Madison Deserves a Choice in the Next Mayoral Election," Dave Cieslewicz, 4/4/2014)? What about that cool "co-op" concept!? And what about insurance for passengers and drivers? Cabs have a friend in Mayor Paul Soglin. They are also highly regulated, as we don't live in Ayn Rand country yet!
Sandra Saul