What can you find in this week's Isthmus? Highlights from the latest issue follow:
- Mary Ellen Bell reports on the long-lasting burden of student debt.
- Judith Davidoff finds some people who were turned away at the polls for lack of photo ID.
- Nathan Comp reports on the bitter neighborhood battle over a big-box supermarket.
- Ruth Conniff sees trouble for Scott Walker in Jeff Fitzgerald's foundering U.S. Senate campaign.
- Jay Rath counts the surprising number of silent film stars who came from Wisconsin, as The Artist's night at the Oscars approaches.
- Laurie Stark checks in from the Miss Madison 2012 pageant, where swimsuits are intellectual.
- Jay Rath reports on staff changes at the Wisconsin Film Festival, which is coming up soon, y'all.
- Andy Moore listens to the haunting tracks Count This Penny recorded for the Wisconsin Veterans Museum's Civil War Arts project.
- Scott Gordon interviews Andy Bothwell of Astronautalis, the eccentric hip-hop project.
- Dean Robbins says this year's Oscars might actually be fun to watch. Might.
- Kenneth Burns says the Iranian drama A Separation is deeply compelling, while Scott Renshaw is impressed by the action in Act of Valor, but not much else.
- Andre Darlington pairs good beer with pub food at Craft Table & Tap in Middleton.
- Linda Falkenstein reports Pigs in a Fur Coat will find a niche in pork on Willy Street.
- Laurie Stark talks to the man behind the Madison Police blotter, Joel DeSpain.
- Tell All: Women defend Obama's stance on contraceptives.
- Jason Joyce thinks easy parking is boring.