John Seed, founder of the Rainforest Information Centre and editor of World Rainforest Report, tells Listening In columnist George Vukelich that "it is late in the day" for environmental preservation. "We have to start shooting for a total transformation in the consciousness of human beings, especially in the West, along the lines of what's described as 'deep ecology,'" continues the Australian, who traveled 9,000 miles throughout the U.S. in 1984 showing the film Give Trees a Chance, which inspired the formation of the Rainforest Action Network. "That's the new spiritual tradition, which really questions the Judeo-Christian ethic of 'subdue, conquer and dominate nature.' We have to start questioning the idea that the beasts of the field and the birds of the air are ours to dominate." Seed continues to spread his message 20 years later as a lecturer, author and facilitator of deep-ecology workshops.
Going deep
From the Isthmus archives, August 14, 1987