Isthmus debuts on April 9, 1976, with Robert De Niro dominating the cover as Taxi Driver's Travis Bickle. The new weekly, writes publisher-editor Vince O'Hern in his inaugural "Making the Paper" column, comes after countless hours of selling ads, establishing distribution points, writing and copyediting. It will concern itself with "anything that people in this city do to amuse themselves and raise a little hell." In addition to editor-publisher Fred Milverstedt's cover piece, the debut issue includes an entertainment calendar, perspectives on the local music scene by Ben Sidran and Clyde Stubblefield, and a report on the previous week's Star Trek Convocation. "Read us and enjoy," O'Hern writes. "The pleasure is ours."
See for the full story, plus an archive of greatest hits celebrating Isthmus' 35th anniversary-one for each year.