School news has always been a pretty big deal around Isthmus, because so many of our readers have kids in school, and even those who don't have an abiding interest in educating our children as a hallmark of a strong society. This issue of Isthmus continues the tradition, sizing up the April 3 school board race, the weightiest issue-oriented contest in some time.
In "School Board Showdown" contributor Nathan J. Comp, a guy who's done a lot of our school coverage in the past year, profiles the four people vying for two seats on the seven-person Madison Metropolitan School District board. He also identifies the major issues the board will face after the election, including the achievement gap and the consequences of the Walker administration's Act 10.
This school board election has engendered so much interest that candidate forums are proliferating. Among the opportunities to hear the candidates respond to public questioning will be a forum on Monday, March 19, 7 p.m., at the First Unitarian Society, 900 University Bay Drive, sponsored by Sustain Dane and Isthmus. On the panel will be Isthmus news editor Judy Davidoff, Sustain Dane executive director Kristen Joiner and East High junior Erin Barry.
As for Mr. Comp, he is nearing the end of his relationship with Isthmus. Sad for us and glad for him, Comp has secured the city reporter position at the Rio Grande Sun of Espanola, N.M. This week's story is not his last in Isthmus - there are a couple of others in the works - but he will be leaving Madison soon. His tenure in the "Land of Enchantment" begins on March 26. We'll miss him here, but it's good that he has a full-time position doing what he likes to do and is so good at.