A couple of struggling actors make a movie about a couple of struggling actors making a movie in L.A. Twister, which isn't near as clever as that makes it sound but nevertheless passes the time enjoyably enough. The couple of guys are Lenny (Zack Ward) and Ethan (Tony Daly), buds from Boston who've been dipping their toes in the shark-infested swimming pools of Los Angeles with nary a nibble. Lenny's the go-getter type, and Ward endows him with a ferrety charm, but Ethan's a lump, both as written and as acted. Together, they try to get their self-reflexive project greenlit, Lenny going so far as to prostrate himself on the casting couch, and you get the impression that the movie thinks it's a satire, scoring laughs off the hopelessness of trying to make it in Hollywood. But it clearly hasn't given up hope, as well it shouldn't, given that director Sven Pape and scriptwriter Geoffrey Saville-Read got a green light for their movie about a couple of struggling actors who make a movie about....