Jason Joyce
Old men in little cars
Today's image is titled Old men in little cars and was photographed by Jason Joyce.
"It's okay to be afraid," declares Joyce about the photo, which shows a Shriner turning from South Pinckney Street onto King Street yesterday evening. He is one of some 1,500 members of the Midwest Shriners Association, which is holding its annual meeting in Madison this weekend. Their party got started on Thursday, Aug. 16, with a parade around Capitol Square, hundreds of the hospital charity service group members buzzing around on every manner of (mostly undersized) motor vehicle: go-carts, scooters, tricycles, four-wheelers, Harleys, sports cars, grounded airplanes, and a hopelessly anachronistic rolling canoe, among other rides.
"I was riding through downtown Madison yesterday evening and ran across the Shriners doing their best to clown around," writes Sara Ziemendorf about the start of the parade. "I missed stuff like the car with two front hoods; one facing forward and on backwards, the cart with little ATVs on it, and the little trolley that was only about 3 feet tall (and full of grown men!)."
If you missed this parade, there is another tomorrow. As described by convention hosts, Madison's own Isthmus group photo pool is the primary source for Madison Snaps, which are published here with the permission of individual contributors. If you are interested in having your photo eligible for Madison Snaps, please respond to the posting on the Flickr group page, or send a message. There is no compensation for Madison Snaps photos, which are © to the respective photographers.