Karen Darcy
The shoes make the outfit!
Today's image is titled The shoes make the outfit! and was photographed by Karen Darcy.
This photo shows a traditional dance about to get under way at Greek Fest 2007, the annual celebration of your "inner Zorba" held the weekend of July 21-22. The site of the dancing was the parking lot of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, located across East Washington Avenue from Union Corners. Darcy shot ten photos of the festival, capturing images of traditional dancing and a performance by the Panopoulos Greek Orchestra. Another dozen-and-a-half shots of Isthmus group photo pool is the primary source for Madison Snaps, which are published here with the permission of individual contributors. If you are interested in having your photo eligible for Madison Snaps, please respond to the posting on the Flickr group page, or send a message. There is no compensation for Madison Snaps photos, which are © to the respective photographers.