Today's image is titled Fishing near Tenney Park Boat Lock and was photographed by Monique J. Isham.
"People like to fish this part of the Yahara River near the Tenney Park Lock," writes Isham in the caption to this photo taken in early June. "I guess the fish are being transported from the lake through the lock, down the river." Take a closer look at water levels under one of the bridge's center spans, and compare it to a On Wednesday, Dane County declared a "Slow, No Wake" zone for all four major lakes in Madison. Today, it issued a warning urging precautionary measures in the face of more forecast rains: "Lake and river levels are rising. All persons around and near lakes, and rivers should prepare for flooding. Tie down or remove piers and ensure boats are properly tied to take the rise in water levels. For lakefront residents -- if sandbagging, be sure to place sandbags back from the waterline 5 to 10 feet if possible, so the shoreline can absorb some of the energy created by wave action." This is the latest entry of Madison Snaps: photos of Madison-area events and locations. The Isthmus group photo pool is the primary source for Madison Snaps, which are published here with the permission of individual contributors. If you are interested in having your photo eligible for Madison Snaps, please respond to the posting on the Flickr group page, or send a message. There is no compensation for Madison Snaps photos, which are © to the respective photographers.