ONLINE: What Have We Done to Deserve All These Cranes?
press release: Each year in January, the Friends of Cherokee Marsh holds a member meeting to share our accomplishments for the past year, elect directors, and host a special guest. This year these events will be virtual and held on two different evenings.
Special presentation: what have we done to deserve all these cranes? Tuesday, January, 19, 7 pm.
For our special guest, we are delighted to announce a presentation on What have we done to deserve all these cranes? with University of Wisconsin Professor Emeritus Stan Temple.
In recent years islands and sandbars along the Wisconsin River have hosted ever-growing numbers of greater sandhill cranes as they prepare to depart for their wintering areas. Flocks of upwards of 10,000 birds converge on the stretch of the river above and below the Aldo Leopold’s Shack each fall. That’s a large proportion of the cranes that now nest in Wisconsin. Why has there been such an impressive resurgence in the crane population since Aldo Leopold worried about its impending extirpation 80 years ago, and what attracts all these birds to the vicinity of the Shack?
Join us to learn about the remarkable recovery of Midwestern sandhill cranes, their migratory behavior, and recent controversies, such as crane hunting, that have attended their new status as an abundant bird.
Professor Temple is Beers-Bascom Professor Emeritus in Conservation in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology and former Chairman of the Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development Program in the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW–Madison.
If you miss the live presentation, it will be available online afterwards. We will share details when available.
The annual meeting will include a year in review and election of directors for 2021-2022. Immediately following the annual meeting will be a short board meeting to elect officers for 2021. All are welcome to attend either or both meetings.The annual meeting will be via Zoom:
Wednesday, January 20 at 5:30 pm
How to attend
The talk by Stan Temple will be presented on both Zoom and Facebook Live. The annual meeting will be held via Zoom only. We will send all recipients of the Friends newsletter a reminder in January with the links and instructions to attend. However, if you want to save the dates and the Zoom links in your calendar now, these are the Zoom links for each event:
Talk on Cranes by Stan Temple, Jan 19, 2021, 7:00 PM Central Time
Friends of Cherokee Marsh Annual Business Meeting, Jan 20, 2021, 05:30 PM Central Time