Reach Out Wisconsin
Esquire Club 1025 N. Sherman Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53704
press release:
Defense Spending: More or Less?
President Trump and Congress have proposed major increases in the defense budget, asserting a need to compensate for the lower spending of the later Obama years. The plan includes increased troop numbers, boost in pay and benefits for service members, and expansion or upgrading of both conventional and nuclear weapons. Critics say that the money would be better spent on infrastructure, education, health care, reducing the federal deficit, and energy, and that nuclear weapons should be limited, not expanded.
- Paula Rogge, an organizer of Wisconsin Physicians for Social Responsibility and co-author of this Capital Times piece, will present arguments in favor of lowering defense spending.
Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to secure a speaker favoring increased defense spending; we hope the audience will provide that perspective.
DATE Wednesday, Nov. 15, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Kavanaugh's, 1025 N. Sherman Ave. Admission is FREE!! Pay only for the food and drinks you order. Call 608-628-2408 for more information.
Reach Out Wisconsin is a nonpartisan group dedicated to fostering respect and understanding in Wisconsin politics. In an era when the left and the right seem so divided, we want to reach out to each other. We promote: a respectful dialogue between opposing sides of political debates; a more nuanced understanding of political issues by learning new perspectives; and more respectful attitude towards people with opposing viewpoints.