RSVP for A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener
5:30 pm, Jan. 25, on Zoom. $15. RSVP by 1/23.
media release: Much has been written about gardening for human senses, but how do plants and animals perceive the world around them? What do we miss when we landscape for human visual appeal but neglect the sensory experiences of our wild neighbors? Noise, light and odor pollution can have many unintended consequences. Conventional gardening practices often interfere with animals’ and plants’ abilities to interact with their environment in ways we can scarcely imagine. Through science, heart, and our powers of observation, author Nancy Lawson will share how we can mitigate these disruptions and create sensory refuges in an increasingly noisy world. Lawson is a nature writer, habitat consultant, speaker, and author of The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife and Wildscape: Trilling Chipmunks, Beckoning Blooms, Salty Butterflies, and other Sensory Wonders of Nature. Her new book, Wildscape, is a finalist for the 2024 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS/Subaru SB&F) Prize for Excellence in Science Books.
Want to attend all 5 lectures in this series? Register for all at once and receive a $10 discount!
Gardens endlessly award our senses, making them sensible places to share our time and energy. A brief scent of wet soil, a distant murmur of a bird’s song, or a blurred pattern of blooms can transport us to another time in our memory and simultaneously root us in the present moment. Such experiences offer a source of appreciation for the life all around us and nurture our minds and souls. It's no surprise that gardening is an amazing way to cultivate, expand, and hone our "sense-abilities." Join us for our 5-part virtual lecture series to learn from talented professionals in the gardening community about the many ways sound, touch, taste, smell, and sight inspires their work.
Our virtual lecture series offers an opportunity to connect with inspiring professionals in the gardening community throughout the United States and beyond. Each lecture includes a 60-minute presentation on ZOOM followed by a 30-minute Q&A with the presenter.
Check out our best practices tip sheet to ensure you are in tip-top technical shape for the lectures! Olbrich Botanical Gardens is unable to provide technical support during the presentations.