The Art of Photography
media release: Al DaValle's presentation will focus on ideas and methods to inspire image makers to expand, what he calls, their “creativity gamut”. Making creative and meaningful work is only possible when the image-maker channels his/her unique perspectives and personality into their work. Al will stress the vital importance of devoting significant time and energy into making personal projects where the artist’s only consideration is their own desires and personal expressions. This will allow the artist the freedom to experiment and grow in ways that are unique to themselves. It is his belief that the new perspectives and skills developed through personal projects will ultimately inform and influence the artists client work, keeping it fresh and unique. Al humbly propose that these ideas are especially important to those deeply engrained in print competition and commercial photography endeavors including portraiture etc.
Al DaValle has long held a deep admiration for the power of the still image.
Al’s photography focuses primarily on fine art landscapes and innovative abstract imagery. He has been published numerous times in such magazines as Lenswork, B&W Magazine and China Photographer.
Al’s images begin with a photograph, but often evolve into complex multimedia artifacts, involving careful digital manipulation, including texturing and layering, as well as use of exotic papers, paints, metals, and coatings such as waxes, resins, glazes and varnishes. Al also employs printing techniques that include polymer photogravure engravings.
His goal is to assist other image makers in discovering their own voice and their expression of the natural world; ”A New Way of Seeing the Landscape.”
Third Thursday Talks are always free and open to the public.
To join via Zoom, go to
Meeting ID: 864 4490 5873 Passcode: 449570
This presentation will be via Zoom only. Please do not come to the PhotoMidwest Studio; no one will be there!
Please contact Darcy Berg at if you have an idea for a Third Thursday Talk. She would love to hear from you!
Missed a talk? If you missed one and want to watch it, scroll to it's announcement on our website under Events >Third Thursday and click "Watch the Talk" for the video.