Assistive Technologies for Safe, Independent Living
media release: Our August Triad Program is about Assistive Technologies for Safe, Independent Living. Rebecca Patterson, an Independent Living Specialist with Access to Independence, will talk about and demonstrate some of the assistive technologies that are available to help people live safe and independent lives. She will also speak more generally about all of the services that Access to Independence provides.
The goal of Access to Independence is to ensure that people live their lives safely and as independently as they choose. You can learn more about Access to Independence at their website .
The program is Wednesday, August 21 at 10:00 AM via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, email me at
And please help us get the word out. If you know of people who might be interested in this program, please forward this to them. Finally, a printable flyer is available here in case you would like to put this announcement on a bulletin board.
We hope to see you on August 21 at 10:00!