ONLINE: Being Black in America
press release: This week’s "Two Bald Guys’" will move to a more serious tone. No light-hearted banter or bald jokes. What we will discuss is what has overtaken the national consciousness since the murder of George Floyd on Memorial Day.
We are honored to have as our special guests two national figures - Reggie Jackson, co-owner and lead trainer of Nurturing Diversity Partners in Milwaukee and a prominent leader in the black community; and Jarrett Adams, who launched his own law firm in 2017. Adams was wrongly convicted of sexual assault and served 10 years in prison before being vindicated with the help of the Wisconsin Innocence Project.
Both men will share their compelling stories of being black in America and provide perspectives on the current national situation and the impact of racial disparities and its consequences.
Don’t miss this live stream Friday at noon on the WIPPS Facebook page.
This episode will be longer due to the nature of the topic and because we will feature two guests.
Go to: at noon.
You can post comments and questions for our guests during the event, or email questions in advance at