Bird & Nature Outing
Turville Point Conservation Park 1156 Olin Turville Court, Madison, Wisconsin 53715
media release: 2nd Sunday every month year round, meet at Turville Point, 1156 Olin-Turville Court parking lot via John Nolen Drive at railroad tracks. Bring water, no bathrooms on site. Outings are free, fun, family friendly and educational. No registration required, no pets. Wear a face mask, comfortable hiking shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring insect repellent and binoculars or a camera if you have one! Monthly Bird and Nature Adventures at Turville Point are co-sponsored by Madison Parks, Madison Audubon and Friends of Olin-Turville. See their websites and Facebook pages for more activities, and post your comments and pictures on the Friends of Olin-Turville (FOOT) Facebook page! Contact 608-698-0104.
Upcoming dates:
Sun Feb 09 1:30 "Animal Tracks" at Turville Point Conservation Park with Stephanie Briand
Explore beautiful trails at Turville Point by Lake Monona on a free guided nature walk with Naturalist Stephanie Brand! Along the way we will look for and learn to identify animal tracks and other things we see. Who is out and about in mid-winter? What are they doing? We may have a campfire with hot cocoa and smores after the walk. See