Break the Cycle: The Power of Food to Interrupt the Revolving Prison Door
UW Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave. , Madison, Wisconsin
Break the Cycle: The Power of Food to Interrupt the Revolving Door of Prisons
Monday, April 24, 2017
5:00 PM
With networking to follow the discussion
1106 Mechanical Engineering Building
1513 University Ave. (map)
press release: A documentary film screening and community discussion examining the interconnections between race, mass incarceration and urban agriculture. Building Food Justice Capacity in South Madison is a four-year community-university partnership that uses food as a strategy to break cycles of systematic incarceration of minorities by our criminal justice system. The partnership asks the question: How could improving healthy food access in South Madison simultaneously facilitate effective reentry for formerly incarcerated people?
Anthony Cooper, Sr., Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership and Development
Carmella Glenn, Just Bakery, Madison Urban Ministry
Alfonso Morales, Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Robert Pierce, Neighborhood Food Solutions
Dadit Hidayat, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Funding provided by
Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment
Co-sponsored By:
Kaufman Lab, Urban and Regional Planning
Neighborhood Food Solutions