Building Worker Power: Corporate Research
Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park St., Madison, Wisconsin 53715
media release: "We Rise Fighting!" labor podcast hosts class by Ric Urrutia
Ric Urrutia has been teaching others how to research corporations, government agencies, and elected officials for over 20 years. His presentations focus on finding the soft underbellies of corporations and political power structures. Ric bases his research on the idea that a better world is possible and that every day, working-class people are capable of creating it.
Ric has organized a union at his workplace, been a union member multiple times and worked as a researcher, organizer, representative, and steward. In 2004 he got his master’s degree in Labor Studies at the University of Massachusetts. This is where he met Bryan G Pfeifer, his co-host on We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast. Ric is also a musician, journalist, cook, photographer and artist.
This event is entirely paid for by rank-and-file workers. A (cash) collection will be taken up at the event to defray expenses. Feel free to bring light snacks and non alcoholic beverages. No alcohol will be allowed into the event.
This is a non partisan event. Unions and community organizations are welcome though to bring literature about your contract campaigns, strikes etc.
This event has been endorsed by the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) Executive Committee. We thank Machinists District 10, the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and other union and community organizations for help with promotion. Unions are welcome to share this information and flyers via your social media and other networks.