Burlesque Brunch

Bryce Peterson
Amethyst Von Trollenberg on stage.
Amethyst Von Trollenberg
media release: As the only Burlesque Brunch in Madison, Bumday Productions is pleased to present an unforgettable experience at The Bur Oak. Doors open at 12:00 pm for a 1:00 pm showing. This is a seated show. Hosted by Mama No Shits.October features performances by Mx May Day, Amethyst Von Trollenberg, Trisha Spectacle, Anya K. Thunderkat, Belle Folle
Food is provided by Beef Butter BBQ and drinks by State Line Distillery. (Note, food and drinks are a la carte and not included in the $12 ticket price.)
The venue is handicap accessible and a safe space for all humans to enjoy. Follow our Bumday Productions Page on Facebook for more details and visit https://