Century Avenue Bridge Replacement
Kromrey Middle School, Middleton 7009 Donna Drive, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562
media release: Proposed improvements: Dane County,
The proposed project includes replacing the existing bridge with a new structure, reconstructing the roadway approaches and extending the Pheasant Branch Trail along the creek, under the new Century Avenue bridge. The proposed project also includes reconstructing the Branch Street and Century Avenue intersection to include a westbound left-turn lane. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2027.
Please attend: A Public Information Meeting (PIM) is scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2024. The meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. in the Kromrey Middle School Cafetorium located at 7009 Donna Drive, Middleton, Wisconsin. The PIM will be an open-house format with no presentation. You may attend anytime during the meeting at your convenience.
Information available: Project personnel will be available to answer questions about the project. Exhibits will be on display for your review and comment. Following the meeting, project information will be available on Dane County Highway and Transportation Department’s Web site at https://highway-projects-
We want your input: We would like your thoughts about this project. If there are issues you would like to discuss, please attend the meeting at a time that is convenient for you. If you are not able to attend on February 22, 2024, please contact one of the project contacts listed below to share your comments.
Project contacts: For additional information, please contact either the Consultant Project Manager Elisa Becker at 608-251-4843, elisa.becker@strand.com, or County Project Manager Brian Rice at 608-266-4037, rice.brian@countyofdane.com. The City’s project manager is Shawn Stauske at 608-821-8381, sstauske@cityofmiddleton.us.
Accessibility: The PIM location is handicapped accessible. Citizens who are hearing impaired and require an interpreter may request one by contacting WisDOT at least three working daysprior to the meeting via the Wisconsin Telecommunications Relay System (dial 711).