Chizu Con
media release: We are excited to host our 5th year of Chizu Con! This will be the second themed year: Arcade!
The classic vibes of the arcade span decades and hold a special place in the hearts of people around the world. From Pinball to Dance Dance Revolution, the arcade has something for everyone!
We look forward to hosting a fun event for all of you.
2025 Badges Schedule:
Kids 10 & under attend free!
Early Bird $15 (Dec.28-March 1st includes 2 Chizu Con stickers); Pre-Reg $20 (March1st-June28th); @ Door $25cash or $30 online.
Chīzu Con (cheez-oo kon) was inspired by local meetups and started in 2019 to provide the Madison area an opportunity to get together and share their loves of cosplay and gaming. This convention features special and unique events that combine those two main fandoms, as well as the regular things you might see at an anime or comic con such as local artists and gaming rooms.
The names of our cow mascots, Brie and Colby,
were voted on by our attendees!
This one day event is hosted at the Goodman Community Center Ironworks & Brassworks in Madison, Wisconsin.
The center is host to many events for seniors, kids and teens. They also have a continuous display of art, and a food pantry three days a week.
Click Here to Donate to the Goodman Community Center - They need new tables for the Ironworks Building! Call them to donate specific items.