Climate Emergency Day Bike Ride
media release: Monday, July 22 - Make history in Wisconsin as part of a global call for climate justice.
The organization Climate Clock has pulled together a powerful global coalition for a day of worldwide action. More info here:
At 3:00 pm: Bring your bike up to the Square and join the Madison Bike Ride for Climate Action! Meet at State St. Corner.
This short ride will be part of a whole day of Climate Emergency Day activities.
We will gather at 3:00 pm, adorn our bikes with more information about the climate emergency, and petal our way around the downtown and campus areas spreading the news about Climate Emergency Day.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact Timothy Cordon at Building Unity 608-630-3633
Check out all the events happening around Wisconsin for Climate Emergency Day. Wisconsin groups are coming Wisconsin's State Capitol to demand that Wisconsin leaders act for the climate emergency.
Our day of climate action at or near the Capitol will include:
* 5:39 - Sunrise gathering in Madison on the shore of Lake Monona
* A bus of supporters coming to State Capitol from Milwaukee
* Noon: Rally at the State Capitol (RSVP -
* 1:00 pm: Statewide virtual/in-person press conference at State Capitol (RSVP -
* 3:00 pm: Madison Bike Ride for Climate Action! From State Street corner of the Square.
* 5:00 pm: Madison Car Pool Caravan to Potluck/Teach-in. Eastside - meet at Hawthorne Library Parking Lot - 2707 E. Washington Ave. Westside - meet at Brittingham Park Parking Lot - 829 W. Washington Ave.
* 6:00 pm: - Potluck/Teach-In at the Farley Center for Peace, Justice & Sustainability in Verona (more info at this Facebook Event)
* AND at various times, actions in other communities across Wisconsin!
Plans are still in the works. Details and updates will come to "CED WI info page" as more info becomes available. Link below.
Show your support by endorsing Climate Emergency Day in WI: We’ll send you updates, promotional materials, bus info, & invites to related events.
For more information, call Building Unity at 608-630-3633 or go to the CED WI Info page: