ONLINE: Dragon Arts Group Auction
press release: Due to the concerns about COVID-19 and the social gathering restrictions, the Dragon Arts Group has cancelled the 2020 Dragon Art Fair. We will, however, be holding an auction using an online format. The auction will begin June 1 at 5:00 PM and conclude June 7 at 5:00 PM. Our website ( and Facebook page will include the link to the auction site once it is ready for viewing.
Art makes a community more vibrant and brings people together. The Dragon Arts Group was organized in 2004 to provide scholarships to DeForest High School students pursuing a post-secondary arts education. Since 2008, scholarships have been provided to 2-3 students each school year to help them pursue an arts related education. To make these scholarships possible, a silent auction is held during the annual Dragon Art Fair the first Saturday in June, along with donations from generous community businesses. This year we congratulate Taryn Shucha and Darya Ellickson as they begin the next phase of their arts education!
For more information about the auction or if you would like to donate to the event, please contact Julie Wills at 608-846-8891 or