Electoral Dysfunction
UW Union South-The Marquee 1308 W. Dayton St., Madison, Wisconsin 53715
press release: After discovering that the right to vote is missing from the U.S. Constitution, political humorist Mo Rocca sets out on a road trip to see how voting works -- and doesn't work -- in America.
"'Electoral Dysfunction' pulls off an admirable trick: It's pleasant. It treats Democrats and Republicans respectfully, and its humor, with the comic Mo Rocca as guide, is closer to Garrison Keillor than to Michael Moore." - David DeWitt (NY Times)
Following the film, join us for a discussion panel including film producers Bennett Singer and David Deschamps and faculty from the UW-Madison Political Science Department.
Co-presented with WUD Society and Politics, Wisconsin Morgridge Institute for Research, ACLU Wisconsin, League of Women's Voters Dane County and Political Science Department.