Every Story Counts
Barnes & Noble-West Towne 7433 Mineral Point Rd., Madison, Wisconsin 53717
A book cover
The cover for the latest Birren Center anthology, "Homeward: Personal Stories on the Search for Belonging."
Write it down! Our current mania for documenting every moment with phone photos is a memory-jogger, for sure, but that only goes so far. Guided autobiography instructor Sarah White will give tips on how to start writing your life story at this free talk. She will be joined by Madison writers Joshua Feyen and Cam French, two of White's students, reading from their work featured in the 2022 book Homeward! Personal Stories on the Search for Belonging.
media release: Madison-area Guided Autobiography instructor Sarah White will give tips on how to start writing your life story at this free talk, on January 15, 2-3:30 pm, at Barnes and Noble West Towne, 7433 Mineral Point Road. Learn how to get started and stay motivated as you write memorable autobiographical stories from the heart.
White, who has led more than 100 life story writing workshops in the Madison area, is one of over 500 people globally who teach Guided Autobiography (“GAB”) in small groups.
Featured guests at “Every Story Counts” are Madison writers Joshua Feyen and Cam French, two of White’s students. They will read their essays featured in Homeward! Personal Stories on the Search for Belonging. This collection of reminiscence essays by fifty co-authors is a major collaboration by the Birren Center for Guided Autobiography, which trains instructors and supports “GAB” classes in communities around the world.