Family, Youth and Community Day
press release: See, Hear and Speak: FYCE Family Sessions
Our Children and Understanding Stress: with Dr. Armando Hernández, assistant director, Integrated Health Behavioral Health in Schools Coordinator at MMSD
Saturday, February 9, 2019, 11 am -1 pm, Badger Rock Middle School, 501 E. Badger Rd. Madison, WI 53713
Please Join Us! Snacks/Refreshments & Food will be Provided. Upon request, we will offer childcare and interpretation. Please RSVP at 608-663-5977
¡Acompáñenos! Se ofrecerá merienda, refrigerios y comida. Habrá cuidado de niños y servicio de interpretación. Por favor confirme su asistencia. RSVP 608-663-5977