Fleeting Reflections
Reminder: Live via Zoom this Wednesday, Feb. 19th @ 1 PM
Recording Regular Time, Thursday, Feb. 20th @ 7 PM
media release: A study of the buildings in and around Canary Wharf in London UK as they relate to the bodies of water that surround them. Initially starting as pure reflections, already abstract in themselves, Mike seeks to extend the abstraction to create something the eye can’t immediately recognize. Using in camera multiple exposures and blending modes, his resultant images are peaceful and meditative – a stark contrast to the chaos inherent to the buildings from which they are derived.
Mike Curry has been a full-time professional photographer for forty years. His portfolio showcases his ability to create beauty from the overlooked. His work has been featured in The Sunday Times Magazine, and he has written articles for Outdoor Photography and Amateur Photography magazines. Mike has won awards in international competitions, and has had two solo exhibitions of his series Fleeting Reflections in London galleries. His latest book, Fleeting Reflections II, was released in 2023.
Third Thursday Talks are always free and open to the public.
To join via Zoom, go to
Meeting ID: 864 4490 5873 Passcode: 449570
This presentation will be via Zoom only. Please do not come to the PhotoMidwest Studio; no one will be there!
Please contact Darcy Berg at if you have an idea for a Third Thursday Talk. She would love to hear from you!
Missed a talk? If you missed one and want to watch it, scroll to it's announcement on our website under Events >Third Thursday and click "Watch the Talk" for the video.