Gather the Community Breakfast
Linden Cohousing 107 Sutherland Ct., Madison, Wisconsin 53704
media release: If you’re earning the state’s $7.25 minimum wage here in Madison, you would have to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to afford the city’s median rent. And that still wouldn’t quite be enough.
Madison Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Madison WILPF) is pleased to welcome Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner to a public breakfast and conversation addressing housing needs and solutions in Dane County on Wednesday, February 12 from 8 to 9:30 am in Linden Co-housing’s Great Room at 107 Southerland Court, Madison. Sliding scale fee for breakfast. Reserve a spot by emailing:
Heidi Wegleitner is a legal aid attorney specializing in tenants’ rights and subsidized housing law. She has trained hundreds of attorneys and law students in landlord-tenant law and eviction defense. She’s been a staff attorney at Legal Action of Wisconsin since 2006. In 2012, she was elected to represent District 2 on the Dane County Board of Supervisors. During her tenure, she’s been a champion for fair and affordable housing, expanded homeless services, due process rights for people seeking county services, efforts to reduce harmful racial disparities, and worker and tenant organizing. She currently chairs the County Board’s Health and Human Needs Committee which oversees Dane County’s largest department, Human Services.
This event is part of a series of Gather the Community Breakfasts hosted by Madison WILPF and Linden Co-housing. Each breakfast is a place for community members to come together, connect, converse, and engage with a topic affecting the well-being of our world. Featured speakers present their passion and work and lead a discussion about how we can take action and contribute to solutions.
Vegetarian breakfast buffet is served. The cost of the breakfast is $20, with a sliding scale of $10 - $20. (Cash or Check) Funds are used to provide an honorarium to our guest speaker and to further the work of Madison WILPF.
For more information contact or call 608-609-7961