Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
media release: The 55th Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival will take place on October 4th & 5th at the Wisconsin state Capitol. There will be no stage on city of Madison property, nor multiple bands, nor vendors paying a fee to participate and for certain no VIPs. The new September hemp festival is celebrating status quo, profits using prohibition loopholes, encroaching on a neighborhood park. The GMMHF leadership protest to remember the fallen, the individuals still being held, and the families impacted by the immoral war. The 55th GMMHF is a non-partisan educational event sponsored by Revival Ranch, since 2021. The free gathering is about educating the voters about the history of hemp farming in the world. The GMMHF participants advocate for changes to the laws & rules prohibiting hemp (cannabis) possession, cultivation and distribution.
The 55th GMMHF includes free live music at 4PM each day. Friday October 4 Sista Sensi and The Buds will be back at the corner of the State Street steps. Political satirist Rolf Lindgren will speak on cannabis history. Farmer Chris Nass will consider the flower market in the Midwest.
Saturday October 5, 4PM the cover band Your Mom
The goal of GMMHF is to gather for an educated discussion on the future rules and guidelines for cannabis in the community. Marijuana is the female flower of the hemp (cannabis) plant. Revitalize the small farm industry by opening the hemp markets with no taxation. No license fees nor overburdening regulations on creating food, fuel and fiber from cannabis plants. The way farming was BEFORE the war.
Wisconsin NORML members believe the course of action should be to end prohibition of hemp (cannabis) production. End the black market by ending prohibition of cannabis cultivation, with no taxation using licensing nor regulations fees. Release the prisoners and provide health services to those in need. We believe the community shares the same values. Please come down to the Capitol. Let the politicians know.
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