History Sandwiched In
media release: Wish there was a way to get a crash course on the most unique aspects of Wisconsin history in one place? Look no further than History Sandwiched In, where on select Tuesdays, scholars, historians, authors and community members from across the states share engaging presentations on wide-ranging historical topics of interest.
Mar. 18 – Jim Willaert presents “The Wade Family: One Frontier at a Time”
Step into a bygone era in this presentation as Wade House Curator Jim Willaert shares the story of the Wade family of Greenbush, Wisconsin. Beginning with Sylvanus and Betsey—the first European settlers to establish themselves in town—Willaert traces the Wades generation by generation, revealing the family’s story through the lives of their children and grandchildren, while also exploring the era of horse-drawn travel and plank roads, daily life for Wisconsin’s settlers in the mid-1800s, and the family’s establishment of the iconic Wade House Stagecoach Inn.