History Sandwiched In
media release: Wish there was a way to get a crash course on the most unique aspects of Wisconsin history in one place? Look no further than History Sandwiched In, where on select Tuesdays, scholars, historians, authors and community members from across the states share engaging presentations on wide-ranging historical topics of interest.
May 13 – Jane Conway and Randi Julia Ramsden present “Extra! Extra! Eat All About It! Recipes and Culinary Curiosities from Historic Wisconsin Newspapers"
Join historians Jane Conway and Randi Julia Ramsden as they offer a taste of Wisconsin's culinary history. Discussing varied topics such as the banana's arrival on the Midwest menu, early twentieth century health food recipes, the development of new kitchen gadgets and techniques, and the social side of dining, By exploring the importance of food to Wisconsinites, how quirky food fashions made their way to Wisconsin, and highlighting historic recipes that made it into our State's newspapers, Ramsden and Conway’s presentation provides just a slice of insight into historical Wisconsin foodways.