History Sandwiched In
media release: Wish there was a way to get a crash course on the most unique aspects of Wisconsin history in one place? Look no further than History Sandwiched In, where on select Tuesdays, scholars, historians, authors and community members from across the states share engaging presentations on wide-ranging historical topics of interest.
May 27 – Jim Draeger presents “Picture Perfect: The Architecture of Wisconsin Theaters”
Take a seat and settle in for the show as historian Jim Draeger, co-author of Bottoms Up: A Toast to Wisconsin’s Historic Bars & Breweries and Fill ‘er Up: The Glory Days of Wisconsin Gas Stations, discusses the evolution and development of Wisconsin movie theaters from the opera houses and nickelodeons of the gilded age to the movie palaces of the jazz age. As vaudeville gave way to "flickers" and "talkies," the architecture of these show houses changed to accommodate new performance mediums and changing audience expectations.