Imagination Center Update
media release: (español abajo)
Due to an excessive heat warning, tomorrow’s town hall regarding the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park will be held in virtual format only. For those who registered via Eventbrite before 2 p.m. today, you will receive an email from Alder Sabrina Madison with the zoom link to join. Advance registration via Eventbrite is required to receive the Zoom link to join. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretación Al Español Disponible.
The Imagination Center Town Hall is to inform constituents about the current budget threats, educate on the library’s benefits, ask questions, and to learn how to advocate effectively to support this important community resource. Staff from the Library, Finance, Parks, and other agencies will present information and be available to answer questions. Invited attendees include Madison’s Common Council, the Mayor's Office, and Wisconsin State Legislators.
This event is free and open to the public. Advance registration is required. To register, please visit
Constituents can also contact Alder Sabrina Madison by email district17@
To Participate:
- Register to attend. Advance registration is required.
- Date: August 27, 2024
- Time: 5pm - 7pm
- Location: VIRTUAL
- Recent news from City Cast Madison and WMTV15 News
- Details
Acompáñenos a una Junta Municipal liderada por la Concejal Sabrina Madison y la Asociación del Vecindario del Área de Sandburg para discutir el Centro de Imaginación en el Parque Reindahl. Obtenga información acerca de las amenazas al presupuesto actuales, infórmese sobre los beneficios de la biblioteca, haga preguntas y aprenda cómo defender y apoyar eficazmente este recurso comunitario importante. Miembros del personal de la Biblioteca, Finanzas, Parques y otras agencias presentarán información y estarán disponibles para responder preguntas. Los asistentes invitados incluyen el Consejo Común de Madison, la Oficina de la Alcaldesa y los legisladores del estado de Wisconsin.
Asistentes invitados
- Former District 17 Alders Joe Clasius and Rep. Samba Baldeh
- Cosejo Común de Madison
- Supervisoras del Condado de Dane
- La Oficina del Alcalde
- Legisladores del Estado de Wisconsin
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