ONLINE: International Quiz Show
press release: Sunday, Jan. 3, 2020 at 12:45 – 3 PM CST
Hosted by TimeBank Hull & East Riding
Passcode : 970268
To all TimeBankers, mutual aiders, trivia buffs and quizzers out there --
The quiz will be co-hosted by UK & USA quizmasters.
This will be TimeBank Hull and East Riding's now well established TimeBank quiz and those of you who have attended previous ones can be testament to the the experience being delightfully random and hilarious! Mixing up performance and skill shares offered by members in the intermission, (eg singing along out of sync and discovering origami!). This along with more traditional quiz questions and silly hats/fancy dress (but this is not compulsory!). - who knew that online quizzes could be such fun!