JSS Summer BBQ
Goodman Jewish Community Campus, Verona 7762 Highway PD, Verona, Wisconsin 53593
Annual Jewish Social Services picnic, 11:30 am-1 pm, 8/26, Goodman Jewish Community Campus, Verona. $10.
media release: Come join us for a community BBQ to connect, schmooze, kvetch, kvell, etc…
Kosher hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers, potato salad, coleslaw, fruit and dessert will be served. The fee is $10 per person – you can send in a check to 6434 Enterprise Ln, call to give a credit card over the phone, or bring cash or check to the event.
Funds are available to make it possible for those with low incomes to attend. Contact Paul Borowsky at 442-4083; all information will be kept confidential. Programs underwritten by Jewish Social Services.