Libertarian Party of Dane County Volunteer Workday
media release: The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) is proud to announce that our affiliate, the Libertarian Party of Dane County (LPDane) is once again hitting the streets to make Wisconsin a better place. The LPDane is gathering this Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 9 am to clean up their stretch of Highway 19 in Token Creek as a part of the state's Adopt-A-Highway program.
The cleanup is open to anyone who wishes to help out. The meetup location is on Pederson Road behind The Shed tavern at 6335 Portage Rd. at 9 am. LPDane will be providing safety vests and bags. Dress for winter in Wisconsin and bring a can do attitude and help the LPDane members leave Wisconsin looking a little bit better than they found it.
For more information on LPDane, please visit their website: