RSVP for Madtown Pickleball Open
media release: 2024 Madtown Pickleball Open, Presented by SSM Health, July 11–14, 2024 | Wyndham Hills Park | Sun Prairie.
This is a doubles tournament and each session will be played in a double-elimination, tournament-style format. Recreation-based, non-sanctioned.
All proceeds benefit the Madison Area Sports Commission Youth Grant Program to help get kids involved in sports. Fees are $60 registration plus $15 each bracket entered.
Age Groups:
- 60+ Men’s/Women’s/Mixed
- 50+ Men’s/Women’s/Mixed
- 35+ Men’s/Women’s Mixed
- 18+ Men’s/Women’s Mixed
Skill Divisions:
- Beginner (3.0 & under)
- Intermediate (3.0–3.5)
- Advanced (4.0 & over)
- Open/Pro (4.5 & above)
Questions? Bracket full? Contact tournament director Tom Schwarz at