Middleton Strategic Plan Advisory Committee
media release: THE STRATEGIC PLAN is a future-oriented organizational plan with goals, strategies, and measures that will help guide City services and initiatives over the next 10 years.
The virtual visioning workshop is an opportunity to LEARN MORE about the strategic
plan, hear some initial findings, and SHARE YOUR IDEAS for the future of Middleton!
VIA ZOOM: https://tinyurl.com/MdltnStrategicWorkshop
MEETING ID: 839 6495 2224 PASSCODE: Middl3ton!
DIAL-IN/AUDIO ONLY: (312) 626-6799 | PASSCODE: 6663776588
QUESTIONS? For additional information on the event or any part of the planning process, please contact Mike Davis, City Administrator, via phone: (608) 821-8358 or email: mdavis@ci.middleton.wi.us.