Much Ado About Nothing
American Players Theatre, Spring Green 5950 Golf Course Road, Spring Green, Wisconsin 53588

Liz Lauren
Jessica Ko and Samantha Newcomb (from left) in "Much Ado About Nothing."
Jessica Ko and Samantha Newcomb (from left) in "Much Ado About Nothing," American Players Theatre, 2024.
We’re getting into the heart of APT’s summer outdoor lineup with one of Shakespeare’s comedies. Much Ado About Nothing features two unlikely couples who fall in love, along with trickery, mistaken identities (naturally) and a lot of sassy wordplay between Beatrice and Benedick. While their banter (and reluctance to admit their love) is often the centerpiece of the play, Much Ado is not entirely a frothy summer concoction. Questioned throughout are gender roles, especially the willingness with which men believe women to be unfaithful beings. Which direction will director Robert Ramirez nudge the action? In repertory through Sept. 29.
media release: Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. Directed by Robert Ramirez.
For Beatrice and Benedict, wit is a full-contact sport, and each is happy to throw some elbows. But wethinks they doth protest too much. It seems love is a force they believe they’re above, even as their friends see through their comedic camouflage to what hides in their hearts. Sometimes a stubborn soul just needs that proverbial kick in the pantaloons to get out of their own way. Fun and funny, with the warmth and depth of a sultry Mediterranean sunset, offering a central couple that set the standard for rom‑coms – a perfect fit for a summer evening. Running June 14 - September 29.
Featuring Jessica Ko, Marcus Truschinski, Tim Gittings, Rasell Holt, Sam Luis Massaro, Samantha Newcomb, Greta Oglesby, Lester Purry, Ronald Román-Meléndez, James Ridge, Triney Sandoval