ONLINE: Creating Communities That Give a Whoop About Cranes in Indiana, Alabama & Louisiana
media release: International Crane Foundation talk.
earn about our Sandhill and Whooping Crane outreach and education efforts with our eastern North America outreach team. Jessie Taylor, Whooping Crane Outreach Program Assistant – Alabama, will discuss her outreach in North Alabama and the upcoming Festival of the Cranes. Jessie will share stories about her work with our partners at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge and her collaboration with visitors. Mary Bresnihan, outreach assistant in Indiana, will share her experiences working with communities in Indiana, particularly in Indianapolis and near Goose Pond and Jasper-Pulaski wildlife areas.
Also, learn about our fledgling Louisiana outreach program supporting the Louisiana nonmigratory Whooping Crane population with Irvin Louque, Whooping Crane Outreach Coordinator – Louisiana. Irvin will share the latest information about the tragic shooting of four Whooping Cranes in Oklahoma last fall and our partnerships with Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.