ONLINE: Native American Spirituality and Care for the Earth
press release: Speaker: Katherine Heskin, theologian and adjunct professor, Edgewood College
Native Americans once roamed the land we call Pope Conservancy, but they didn’t regard themselves as its owners. Native Americans once hunted and gathered plants here, but they didn’t feel entitled to take all it possessed. That’s because indigenous peoples believed that the earth and all things on it were sacred — living expressions of the Great Spirit, the nourishing Mother we call Earth. Out of that belief came respectful, reverential treatment of the land and all of creation — including the air we breathe, water that gives life, all plants and animals, and each us.
Katherine Heskin who is part Native American herself, will help us see the land through the eyes of this area’s earliest inhabitants and shares the spiritual wisdom they offer us in this time of environmental challenge.
This presentation is free and open to the public. Please register in advance for this meeting: