Native Plant Sale
media release: Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) are accepting orders for their 2025 Plant Dane Native Plant Sale. This sale brings native plants to local groups, municipalities and residents in Dane County for a fraction of their normal retail cost. Native plants are a great low-maintenance option for those looking to add beauty and interesting features to their landscape. Their deep root systems help absorb and filter rainwater, reducing flooding, erosion, and pollution while replenishing groundwater supplies. Additionally, native plants provide essential food and habitat for pollinators and other wildlife, and help to build a thriving ecosystem. Consider converting some of your turf grass or pavement into a native garden, downspout garden or rain garden this spring and have a Ripple Effect on our waters!
Customers can choose from more than 50 native plant species, as well as pre-selected garden kits including: pollinator, downspout, and rain garden kits. Also consider supporting a local community or school native plant project. Donations to purchase native plants can be made through the Plant Dane order system. Plants are only $12/4-pack with a minimum order of 16 plants. Order early! Plant orders will be accepted through March 18th (or while supplies last). For more information or to place an order visit
Participants must pick up plants on Saturday, May 17th during assigned pick up times (see the Pickup Details tab for more details). Please arrange to have a relative, friend, or neighbor pick up plants, if you aren't available.
Dane County is also hosting, “Dig into Rain Gardens-1:1 Coaching Sessions with the Experts,” a training aimed at helping residents incorporate a rain garden into their landscaping. A rain garden is a shallow, bowl-shaped garden that collects rainwater runoff from rooftops, driveways, and other hard surfaces and promotes infiltration. Participants will meet individually with a rain garden expert to look at their specific site using an online mapping application, determine drainage patterns, and select an optimal location for a rain garden. Experts will also assist participants with sizing, plant selection, and provide resources on site preparation and installation. Thirty-minute coaching sessions are $20 and will be offered on Sunday, March 2 from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Participants from MAMSWaP communities will be eligible for up to a $50 reimbursement for native plants ordered through Plant Dane. Reserve a spot today-