Obour Tanner’s Archive; or, How to Remember Your (Famous) Friend, Phillis Wheatley
Wisconsin Historical Society 816 State St., Madison, Wisconsin 53706
A close-up of Tara A. Bynum.
Tara A. Bynum
In conjunction with the Phillis Wheatley exhibit at the Memorial Library (through Dec. 22, Special Collections gallery), Dr. Tara Bynum, assistant professor of English and African American studies at the University of Iowa, will discuss the correspondence between the enslaved African American poet Wheatley, of Boston, and Obour Tanner, another enslaved African woman who lived in Rhode Island. Bynum will detail what the letters tell us about their daily lives and friendship.
media release: Please mark your calendars for October 19 to attend our annual Schewe presentation that compliments this exhibit: Obour Tanner’s Archive; or, How to Remember Your (Famous) Friend, Phillis Wheatley, given by Dr. Tara A. Bynum
Thursday, October 19, Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium
4:30-5:30 P.M. Presentation; 5:30-6:30 P.M. Reception and Book Signing
Dr. Bynum is an assistant professor of English and African American studies at the University of Iowa. In celebration of the 250th anniversary of Phillis Wheatley’s published book of poetry, Dr. Bynum will explore the archival evidence of joy and friendship that flourished between Wheatley and Obour Tanner, her most frequent letter correspondent. Wheatley, an enslaved person, was the first person of color to publish written work and was one of the best-known poets in pre-19th century America.
Books will be available for purchase thanks to the Kismet Bookshop
This event will be recorded but not livestreamed
R.S.V.P. for event reminder and link to recording available after the event: https://go.wisc.edu/
In relation to an exhibit at UW Special Collections:
August 28, 2023 – December 22, 2023, 976 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706.
Open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The opening reception is Thursday, September 28, from 4-6pm. Refreshments will be served!
In September 1773, Phillis Wheatley published Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral in London, becoming the first African American writer to publish a book of poetry, and only the third colonial American woman of any race to publish a book. It included a copperplate engraved portrait of her seated at a writing desk with pen, paper, and book, the first individual portrait of an African American woman. This exhibit celebrates the semiquincentennial of Poems on Various Subjects and traces how Wheatley’s poetry, image, and name have been reprinted, recirculated, and remixed by and for educators, activists, artists, and readers of all ages in every era over the last 250 years. Here, Wheatley’s 18th-century publications, highlighted by the first edition of Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral, are in conversation with the two and a half centuries of Black art, thought, and action that she directly inspired.
On Various Subjects: 250 Years of Phillis Wheatley invites you to witness how Wheatley’s legacy has been held out as an example of excellence among Black people (particularly girls and women), celebrated as an inspiration for artists and intellectuals, and presented as evidence in arguments against the degradations of slavery and racism.
On Various Subjects: 250 Years of Phillis Wheatley is curated by UW-Madison professors Brigitte Fielder and Jonathan Senchyne in collaboration with the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture and the Department of Special Collections in UW-Madison Libraries.
Exhibit highlights include: the 1773 first edition of Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral including an engraved portrait of Phillis Wheatley, an array of other Wheatley publications from her lifetime and the early nineteenth century, children’s books telling Wheatley’s life story and poetry, writing by Black feminists drawing inspiration from Wheatley, and more.
Please make a plan to visit the exhibit, bring a class, or a student/community group. Contact Jonathan Senchyne (senchyne@wisc.edu) or Brigitte Fielder (brigitte.fielder@wisc.edu) to inquire about bringing a group or arranging a guided group session. The exhibit is free and open to the public during Department of Special Collections business hours (M-F, 9-5). Some form of ID is required to enter Memorial Library.