Picnic with an Author
Badger Prairie County Park, Verona 6720 Hwy. 151, Verona, Wisconsin 53593
media release: Join Dane County Parks and local authors for this special family friendly picnic lunch series. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on and a lunch from home. After meeting the author and reading their book, there will be special activities related to the story. Each week begins at 11 am.
Cost: Free
Age: All ages welcome.
September 3: Book: "Stephanie's Big Zoo Adventure" by Brandon Maly
Location: Lussier Family Heritage Center, Lake Farm County Park
September 10: Book: "Waverly Braves the Breeze" by Samantha Cora
Location: Badger Prairie County Park Shelter
This program is supported by Verona Public Library
September 17: Book: "Good Night (Not Really): Let's Count Forward AND Backward" and "The Terrible Day (Not Really): Let's Count by Twos" by Nan Evenson
Location: Anderson Farm County Park
This event is supported by the Oregon Public Library
September 24: Book: "Big Feelings" by Elizabeth Seeliger
Location: Token Creek County Park Shelter #1