ONLINE: Reclaiming Your Brain in Times of Stress
press release: Presented by Wendy Warren Grapentine
Daily life is stressful both personally and professionally, even more so during this pandemic. Learning how to manage those stresses can make a huge difference in your life. In this program, Wendy Warren Grapentine will explain how our built-in fight, flight or freeze response throws us into survival mode and shares three tools to short-circuit that response and get us back to a place of reasoned thought.
These tools take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes and will help you start your days off powerfully, keep your energies running strong all day, and bring you back to a place of power when the inevitable “hits” of life come your way.
Please wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to stand up for two of the tools. For the third tool, be prepared to touch your face by washing your hands prior to the online class or having hand sanitizer nearby.
Wendy Warren Grapentine is a former news anchor and medical reporter at Channel 27. She is currently a practicing massage therapist, energy worker, intuitive coach, and mind-body advocate at Group Health Cooperative and in private practice.
Wendy is committed to helping people understand how stress is manifesting in their bodies and how they can learn from and work with it. Her mission is to help people tap into their innate power of self-expression and healing.