ONLINE: Steel Bridge Songfest
media release: Assuming this covid thing will soon “just go away,” let’s boldly proclaim that Steel Bridge 2021 will be our last “virtual-only” Songfest. And the best one yet!
Like with our last three online events, our live hosts will again present a combination of streamed performances & stunning videos. Streaming from across the U.S. and Sturgeon Bay’s Holiday Music Motel & Tambourine Collaboratory, the night will bring many nice surprises. (Are we bad people if one of our goals is to make those who miss the show regretful and sad the next day?) “Music So Fresh, It Hasn’t Been Written Yet” is being written as we speak, and dazzling video works are well on their way to storyboards and locations. And our technical crew and event planners (“the molten core”) are already losing sleep, though not missing it (we actually love doing this). And it’s all for ONE NIGHT ONLY (!!!) of unrestrained entertainment aimed at further aggrandising a bridge? Yes, that's the simple explanation but more information is coming soon, so stay tuned! And please mark Saturday following the 2nd Thursday of June (the 12th) on your calendar! Watch here for info: