Stephanie Barenz
Arts + Literature Laboratory 111 S. Livingston St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
media release: Arts + Literature Laboratory is excited to present new exhibitions for this Spring season, including work by the 2024 ALL Prize artists, Kate Davidson and Claire Tomkiw. Additionally on view in the Mezzanine Gallery and First & Third Floor Project Spaces is work by artists Stephanie Barenz and Gregg Williard. The exhibitions opened on March 19 and run through April 20, 2024. The reception will take place on April 11 from 6:30-8:30PM.
FIRST FLOOR PROJECT SPACE & MEZZANINE GALLERY Stephanie Barenz’s exhibition, "A Walk with Water," is on display in the first floor lobby space and the second floor mezzanine. She explains that her show “is about how our external surroundings shape our internal landscapes. Slow acts of noticing transform our lives from feeling uninhabitable to a feeling of belonging.” Note: the first floor work will be on display through April 13.
Stephanie Barenz creates mixed media works with a creative practice that merges photography, printmaking, painting, and collage, and responds to the transformative potential that is realized through encounters with new spaces, often those centered around bodies of water. Barenz holds an MFA from Washington University in St. Louis, and has taught at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and completed residencies at the Art Students League of New York, the Chicago Printmakers’ Collaborative, and the Pfister Hotel AiR program.