They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us: Organization, Continuity, Community
Social Justice Center 1202 Williamson St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
from the Activist Calendar: Wed. Feb. 19 6:00 pm Social Justice Center (1202 Williamson St.) They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us: Organization, Continuity, Community – discussion with a uthor and activist, Peter Gelderloos, about his latest book, just out from Pluto Press, as well as his other recent work published by Detritus Books. The first book focuses on two movements: ecological struggle, which in its smartest form is a continuation of anticolonial resistance that has spread and persisted globally over the last 500 years, and in its worst form is a media spectacle centered around naive demands and ineffective reforms; and the anti-police, antiracist rebellions that have caused a sea change in public narratives from 2009 to 2020. The second book deals with the deeper questions that are missed in debates around problems of organization, the lack of continuity in our movements, and a profound misunderstanding of what community entails and how a realistic approach to community could make us stronger with the context being the anarchist movement in Catalunya. Hosted by the Madison Infoshop.