Traditions: Stories of Service to Country & Community
Wisconsin Veterans Museum 30 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703

courtesy Wisconsin Veterans Museum
An exhibit at Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
media release: The United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps existed before the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. For 250 years, the armed forces have defended this country and included Wisconsinites since the founding of our state in 1848. Although the military has evolved to encompass new technologies and forms of warfare, the basic mission of national defense remains as it was in 1775.
Uniformed service often defines a veteran’s life, and many continue to serve after leaving the military. Using stories from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum collection, this exhibit explores veterans’ service in uniform and afterward and their contributions to our nation and state.
View “Traditions: Stories of Service to Country & Community” to see how Wisconsin veterans helped build a nation during and after service.