Virtual Volunteer Night
press release: If you've been thinking about getting more involved, this would be a great place to learn about and work on our efforts to get our utilities to retire Wisconsin's coal plants and ensure the Evers Administration does not allow for any new fossil fuel infrastructure. You can also learn and get involved in our educational efforts working to ensure everyone has safe drinking water and access to Wisconsin's public lands. If you just have 2 hours to give to make a difference and can't do more than that, then this is a great place for you as well!
In the fight to move beyond dirty fuels, it's been a week of a LOT of news. Contaminated soil that is likely the result of a spill was found in the Ashland area and new leaks were discovered as a result of the Line 3 aquifer breach.
Despite all this news, we've heard that people (especially in the Ashland-area) are feeling intimidated to speak out against the pipeline. The best way to beat Enbridge's intimidation tactics is to show power in number and spread the word.
We're asking you to join in this work and attend our Volunteer Night next Wednesday ALL about stopping Line 5! We'll:
- Call people to ask them to host yard signs
- Write letters-to-the-editor
- Create social media graphics and posts about the harms of the pipeline
- Do a TON of data entry to type up petition names and showcase the opposition to the pipeline.
You MUST RSVP and we will send you the zoom link to join and instructions on how to join. Below are the rooms we usually have at each volunteer night, and you'll get to pick which you want to join!